
Friday, 26 April 2013

Jual Tudung Borong Murah

Sesiapa yg ingin mencari tudung yg menjual secara borong boleh pergi ke web site ini.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Gwiyomi Cute Kids - Malaysia

Lets enjoy this cute gwiyomi song by cute girl :) Enjoy your watching. ..

Eclair Cocholate - Resepi

Untuk anggaran 35 ketul :

Bahan kulit sus :-
- 75 gram mentega tawar
- 25 gram marjerin
- 200ml air
- 100 gram tepung gandum
- 25 gram serbuk koko
- 1/4 sudu teh serbuk penaik
- 180 gram telur, pukul ringan
- 1/4 sudu teh pes coklat

Bahan inti :-
- 500 ml susu cair
- 30 gram serbuk koko
- 100 gram gula pasir
- 1/2 sudu teh garam
- 60 gram tepung jagung dilarutkan dalam 50 ml air
- 2 biji kuning telur
- 1/2 sudu teh pes vanila
- 2 sudu makan mentega tawar
- 100 gram coklat masakan hitam, dipotong

Hiasan :-
- 100 gram coklat masakan susu, cairkan
- 100 gram coklat masakan putih, dicairkan

Cara membuat :-

1. Kulit eclair; rebus mentega tawar, air dan garam sambil dikacau sehingga mendidih. Matikan api.

2. Masukkan tepung gandum dan serbuk koko. Kacau rata. Nyalakan api kecil. Kacau sehingga licin. Masukkan pes coklat. Kacau rata. Angkat. Biarkan suam.

3. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil dipukul rata.  Masukkan serbuk penaik. Pukul rata.

4. Masukkan dalam karung plastik tiga segi.  Tekankan bentuk panjang dengan menggunakan spuit besar di dalam loyang yang telah disapukan marjerin.

5. Bakar dengan api bawah 200 celcius selama 25 minit sehingga masak.

6. Inti; rebus susu cair, serbuk koko, gula pasir dan garam sambil dikacau sehingga meletup-letup. Pekatkan dengan larutan tepung jagung. Masak sambil dikacau sehingga meletup-letup. Matikan api. Masukkan kuning telur. Kacau dengan cepat. Nyalakan api semula. Kacau sehingga meletup-letup semula. Masukkan pes vanila, mentega tawar dan coklat masakan hitam. Kacau hingga larut. Sejukkan.

7. Ambil sekeping kulit. Celupkan ke dalam coklat masakan susu. Coret-coretkan dengan coklat masakan putih. Biarkan sejuk. Belah dua sus. Tekankan inti. Sejukkan.

* Jika tidak suka pes coklat, boleh tukarkan kepada serbuk koko yang lebih hitam.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

How To Identify Original Or Counterfeit Mobile Phones - Handphone Original Atau Tiruan

Bagaimana cara untuk mengenalpasti telefon bimbit original atau tiruan?? 

Kaedah 1: Menggunakan penghantaran SMS ke talian atau dial kod

1. Sila taip *#06#
2. Akan keluar IMEI [International Mobile Equipment Identity]
3. Semak nombor IMEI telefon anda di kedudukan 7 dan 8

Contoh : 358671017470473
Kedudukan ke 7 dan 8 ialah 01
Jika kedudukan ke 7 dan 8 ialah :-

02 atau 20 : Dari Emirates / India = KUALITI RENDAH
08 atau 80: Dari Germany = KUALITI SEDERHANA
01 atau 10 : Dari Finland = KUALITI TERBAIK
00 Dari Kilang Asal = EXCELLENT!
05 atau 50 : Kilang Brazil, USA @ Finland = TERBAIK
06 atau 60 : Dari Kilang Hong kong, China atau Mexico = BAIK
03 atau 30 atau 04 atau 40 : Made in China = KUALITI BAIK
13 : Dari Azerbaijan = SANGAT KURANG KUALITI DAN MUNGKIN MERBAHAYAKAN KESIHATAN (menurut kajian yang dibuat)

Kaedah 2: Kaedah Pertama dengan Merujuk pelekat yang ditampal dalam henset, (biasanya bawah bateri)

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Be trendy and bold in what you choose. That is the main key on how to dress well and fashion experts even say dress in whatever makes you feel comfortable and fabulous. Take fashionistas as an example, they would choose something that could bring the confidence out of them and eventually make a good impression to others. Zalora Malaysia offers clothes for Muslimah where we bring collections of jubah and hijab from a massive range of famous local brands.

Our site provides gorgeous fashionable products and FREE shipping is available on selected amounts, a 30 days return policy and a customer service hotline to answer any inquiries and assist your online shopping experience. Apart from that, COD is available in the Klang Valley area and get RM20 upon signing up. Contact our Customer Service at 03-23858200 (9am-9pm), Or email us,

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    Pure Marine Collegen (Kolagen Rumpai Laut)

    Kandungan Pure Marine Collegen (Kolagen Rumpai Laut)

    Nilai-nilai nutrisi 10x ganda lebih tinggi daripada sirip ikan Yu
    Khasiat yg sama dgn sarang burung Layang-layang
    PH bernilai 7.6
    Kalsium - lebih tinggi drpd hati ikan
    Antioksida - lebih kuat drpd Vitamin C
    Vitamin A
    Omega 3 dan Omega 6
    Mineral lain - kalium, zat besi, magnesium, potasium, vitamin B6 dan B12
    Serat - memudahkan penghadaman dan mengatasi masalah sembelit/buasir
    Iodine - menghalang tubuh manusia menyerap logam berat yg berbahya spt plumbum yg boleh mengakibatkan kanser drah dan kanser tulang

    Khasiat dan kelebihan Rumpai Laut

    Melaraskan berat badan dan hormon
    Antibakteria dan membuang toksin dalam badan
    Menghilangkan sembelit
    Mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi
    Mencantikkan kulit, melicin dan menegangkan kulit (anti penuaan)
    Menguatkan sistem abdomen dan memelihara kalenjar Tiroid
    Memperbaiki masalah kuit dan rambut, mengurangkan kedutan dan kulit gelap, selulit dan jerawat
    Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma
    Memejalkan payudara dan otot punggung
    Menurunkan tahap kolestrol dalam badan
    Melembutkan tumit kaki yg merekah
    Menguatkan urat sendi dan menjauhi artistis and osteoporosis
    Meningkatkan peredaran darah, mengurangi sakit bahu dan belakang
    Mencegah kanser/tumor
    Meningkatkan fungsi penghadaman/pencernaan dan merwwat gastrik
    Mencegah enimia
    Memberi kekenyangan(diet)
    Meningkatkan sel rawan, ligamen dan otot
    Memberi tenaga

    Khasiat Sabun Pure Marine Collegen

    Mencantikkan kulit, melicinkan kulit, mengecilkan liang roma, mencerahkan kulit, mengecutkan jerawat, melembabkan kulit dan menghilangkan bintik hitam, mengurangkan pigmentasi kulit, merawati resdung, mengurangkan kedutan dan menjadikan kulit gebu dan anjal. HALAL DAN SELAMAT TANPA BAHAN PENGAWET

    Kaedah penyediaan

    1. Basuh rumpai laut dgn bersih, perah spt membasuh beras 5-6 kali
    2. Rendam semalaman dan tukar air 2-3 kali
    3. Buang air rendaman dan basuh 5-6 kali dan toskan
    4. Campur dgn 2.5 liter air (utk 100mg) ke dalam periuk dan rebus selama 15-20 minit
    5. Selepas mendidih, biarkan sehingga sejuk di dalam bekas yg bertutup dan disimpan di dalam peti ais

    *Campurkan daun pandan sebanyak yg mungkin semasa merebus dan di dalam bekas yg bertutup itu utk mengurangkan bau rumpai laut tersebut. Boleh juga dicampurkan dgn perasa kegemaran utk mengurangkan bau tersebut.

    Cara pengambilan

    Selepas bangun tidur dan sebelum tidur (pastikan perut kosong sebelum mengambilnya)
    3 sudu besar setiap kali makan
    Boleh dimakan begitu saja
    Campur/bancuh bersama minuman kegemaran atau madu

    *Walaupun hanya dgn pemakaian kali pertama kulit akan merasa lembab, licin, gebu, cerah dan tegang

    Cara membuat masker

    Cuci muka dgn air suam terlebih dulu agar pori kulit terbuka luas
    Campurkan gel kolagen dgn madu utk kulit normal, dgn jus lemon atau susu tepung utk kulit kering dan tomato utk kulit berminyak

    Siapa yg boleh makan kolagen ini

    Wanita dan lelaki
    Ibu mengandung (4 bulan ke atas- kulit bayi lebih cantik, putih dan halus) lebih bertenaga
    Ibu yg menyusui bayi
    Kanak2 yg berusia 2 tahun ke atas
    *Wanita baru bersalin tidak digalakkan makan rumpai laut ini keran bersifat sejuk


    Jangan minum minuman yg mengadungi kafein selepas mengambil kolagen sekurang-kurangnya 3 jam
    Ambil bersama vitamin C utk kesan yg lebih
    Banyak minum air kosong utk melancarkan pembuangan toksin dan memaksimumkan penyerapan kolagen oleh badan.

    Monday, 15 April 2013

    Sad Love Story

    Appreciates what we have already, don't ever cry when we ignore and lose him/her later.
    Love is giving not requesting. Thankful because have his/her heart that accept us leave in it. :'((

    Mabul Island, Semporna, Sabah


    If are not quite sure of your abilities as a diver, the best place you can go to and improve them is the shallow water surrounding the Mabul Island from the Malaysian archipelago.

    This is a small formation, in the shape of an oval, situated off the Borneo Island’s coast, and measuring only 5 to 10 meters above the sea. In spite of its relatively reduced size, it is a popular destination for divers who prefer to exercise their techniques in not so deep waters. There is also a special name for this activity – “muck diving”. This is because these shore waters contain different quantities of waste that make good visibility to be nearly impossible to achieve.

    In spite of this inconvenient, there are a lot of people who love coming here every year. This is probably also because of the multitude of marine species that can be met here. Different varieties of eels, scorpion fish, sea horses and frogfish offer an interesting study material for every amateur marine biologist who chooses Mabul Island as a destination for an exotic vacation.

    In spite of the fact that there are only two villages in the entire area, with a total population of around 2,000 people, there are many things to do here. The sandy beaches on the shore are ideal for sun bathing and catching tan, especially for those who like less crowded places.

    The resorts here offer the tourists all the comfort back home, with the splendid exotic view as a bonus. The dishes served in the restaurants are based both on the international and traditional Malaysian cuisine.

    The transition is ensured by a boat that arrives several times a day to transport people on and off the island. The diving sessions can be assisted by a highly qualified trainer, who offers useful information about the best locations from here. As a result, the Mabul Island can be called the true paradise for shallow water divers.

    Beautiful Kinabalu Mountain

    Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Borneo is the tallest mountain in Borneo Island and also Malaysia at 4,095 meters (13,435 ft) above sea level. It is perhaps the tenth tallest mountain in Southeast Asia and the twentieth highest in Asia. It is located in the Kinabalu National Park which covers an area of about 754 km2. Mount Kinabalu and its surroundings area which made up the Kinabalu National Park are one of the most important biological sites in the world due to the rich and diversify collection of flora and fauna that can be found here. So far, there are more than 4500 species of plant, 326 species of birds, and 100 mammalian species identified here. Many of the species are unique and endemic to this area only such as the gigantic Rafflesia flower, the Borneo orangutan, pitcher plants such as the giant Nepenthes Rajah and various species of fern and exotic orchids. In recognition of its valuable wildlife biodiversity, Kinabalu National Park has been accorded UNESCO World Heritage site status since 2000.

    The main attraction in the Kinabalu National Park is Mount Kinabalu which has been like a magnet that is attracting tourist to the park during their Sabah, Borneo vacation. Mount Kinabalu is a very young mountain in geological terms and it is formed from molten rock or granodiorite (which is define as "an intrusive igneous rock similar to granite but with higher quartz content") millions of years ago. It is estimated that the granodiorite cooled and hardened only about 10 million years ago. Sadly, most visitors come here only to climb this mountain without realizing about the richness of its plant and wildlife biodiversity in its surroundings. Visit this page for more information about climbing Mount Kinabalu and its other attractions.

    For visitors who are not interested or unable to climb the mountain, Kinabalu National Park is still worth a visit as there are many other attractions around the park entrance. Nature lovers should go for some jungle trekking at the various nature trails available around the park headquarters. These trails will lead you into the forest where you can see the interesting plants, birds, insects and maybe some sighting of some animals.

    There is also a gallery or exhibition center called The Kinabalu Natural History Gallery at the Park Headquarters building which is located near the park entrance. This gallery also acts like an information center to inform and introduce visitors to the park and what the park has to offer. At this gallery, visitors can learn more about the park such as its geological make-up and the uniqueness of its flora and fauna.

    For plants lover, visit the gardens nearby to view the many plants that have been cultivated here. Most of these plants have been taken from the surroundings areas and re-planted in the garden. On display at the garden are various ferns, orchids and carnivorous pitcher plants.

    View of Mount Kinabalu Summit - Low's Peak

    Getting There: Kinabalu National Park is located on part of the Crocker Range on the West Coast Division of Sabah in the district of Ranau. The main entrance to this park which is also near to the Park headquarters is about 90 km from the city of KK.
    Note: Climbing permit and insurance are needed to climb Mount Kinabalu. For safety reason, climbers need to hire a guide to accompany them during the climb. For further arrangement and hassle free Sabah, Borneo vacation, contact the local travel agency.

    Kinabalu Mountain, Sabah, Malaysia

    The very peak of Mount Kinabalu pierce the sky at 4095m, and patiently waits to be touched by anyone who is brave enough to attempt to reach her.

    Two hours away from Kota Kinabalu lies Kinabalu Park (please read more under that attraction for further details), host to Timpohon Gate, the portal to the summit trail of Mt. Kinabalu. The summit, on the map at least, is misleadingly nearby. Only 8.7km from the start, the reward of the summit awaits. What most eager climbers don’t factor in though, is that the altitude rise from 1563m at the gate, to 4095 meters at the peak. The gradient is what makes this a challenging onslaught.

    Not for nothing, Mt. Kinabalu is the highest peak between Mt. Everest in the Himalayas in the north, and the peaks of Puncak Jaya in New Guinea in the South. Mitigating factors include the fact that Mt. Kinabalu is one of very few peaks at this altitude, which can be reached without any specialised climbing gear or actual climbing as such. There are no extremely hazardous areas on the marked route and thus, the only challenge you face is the limit of your endurance with failure the only real fear.

    Most people prefer to make this a 3 day 2 night affair, although some can do it in 2 days 1 night. The bare minimum requires you to arrive and start before at least 11am. Estimate a good 6 hours or so to reach the rest point of Laban Rata, or which ever accommodation you choose nearby. Eat, shower and sleep until you have to wake up at least around 2am, that is if you want to see the sun rise as you reach the summit, which most do. Then it’s another 3 or 4 hours until you reach the roof of Borneo.

    If you fancy staying over before or after you climb, please refer to the Kinabalu Park page for details about what accommodation you will find in Kinabalu Park. As for actually climbing, here’s a list of expenses you will incur on your journey to the summit (current at the date of this post):

    Current climbing fees can be found at the Sabah Tourism site at

    Laban Rata, the name of the most comfortable hostel on the mountain and also unofficially the name of everybody’s rest stop for the night, is located at 3272 meters. It has 52 dormitory style bunk beds with a common bathroom, unheated showers and no more room heaters since 2010 expect for private rooms, conveniently located in the same building as the restaurant. It also has three private units the first of which can sleep 6 and 2 other private units sleeping two each(2 twin beds). All the private units have attached bathrooms and heated rooms and showers and is still in the same building.

    Dormitory bunks @ RM 518 per person per night;
    6 pax unit @ RM 3262 for the unit per night;
    2 pax unit @ RM 1069 for the unit per night;

    Another 10 minutes walk further up from Laban Rata is the Gunting Lagandan Hut, a second dormitory style accommodation. Featuring 60 beds at RM 518 per person per night, it’s usually the next option when Laban Rata is full. It has basic cooking facilities (as Laban Rata has the only restaurant) and a common bathroom, which do not have hot water feature. The rooms, however, are still not heated.

    Two additional units, further away from Laban Rata than just quick walk, is the Panar Laban Hut and the Waras Hut. Each able to sleep up to 8 people on dormitory style bunk beds, it has basic cooking facilities with common bathrooms. The water is not heated, as are the rooms. The rate is also RM518 per person per night.

    From the store at Laban Rata you can rent the following items:
    Sleeping Bag @ RM10 each;
    Jackets @ RM10 each (limited numbers of these);
    Blanket @ RM10 each;
    Towels @ RM5 each;
    Torch lights @ RM15 each (with battery) or RM5 without battery;

    The restaurant at Laban Rata is open from 2am to 3.30am for those wishing to eat before they start for the summit. A light buffet breakfast is served at RM25 per person. For the rest of the day the restaurant operates between 7.30am and 7.30pm. The usual buffet breakfast is from 7.30am – 10.30am @ RM 35 per person. A buffet dinner is served from 5 – 7.30pm and is RM 65 per person. An ala carte menu applies at all times.

    In addition to the restaurant, there is also a reception area/check-in for your accommodation, as well as a souvenir/supply shop for if you still don’t have everything you need. There’s also limited facilities for excess luggage you deem unnecessary for your final stretch to the summit.

    The sun rises between 5.30 and 6.15am depending on the time of year. The very rock that is the highest on the summit features a smallish board announcing the significance of your location, named Low’s Peak after the first recorded person to summit the mountain. The area around it is relatively small, so make sure you get there early, take your pictures and vacate to give others a chance.

    The summit area is a fascinating landscape, nearly devoid of plant life and in stark contrast to the lush tropical jungle at the start of the trail. It’s reminiscent of a moon landscape, and worth while walk around for a bit to explore this unique place. On that note, your last place to answer nature’s call is the Sayat-Sayat hut. Remember this, because beyond that point there’s not even a small bush to hide you doing your business.

    The outcrop that will tempt you closer when you are near the peak, which looks like it could be pretty high itself, is the Oyayubi Iwu Peak, commonly known as South Peak. Visible from the peak itself are oddly, but obviously named peaks. Ugly Sister Peak, King Edward Peak, Donkey Ears Peak are all named because of some visual resemblance to their name sakes. Find them and see if you can see why.

    The trek back down also consists of two parts. First part is usually back down to Laban Rata for a rest and breakfast, estimated to take 1 to 2 hours. After recharging your batteries and replenishing your supply, the descent typically takes another 4 hours or so. Most climbers arrive back at the Timpohon gate around lunch time or later.

    Compare your notes with the handy list of items to bring below:
    Excess baggage - At the Sutera Sanctuary Lodge check-in at the Park entrance, you can leave excess baggage in a secure facility;
    Rain coat;
    Your favourite energy food;
    Suitable walking shoes. Doesn’t have to be hardcore walking boots, but definitely something that can grip on wet rock;
    Warm clothing (something you can layer as you go up and cold and down and hot);
    Beanie and Gloves
    Camera plus plenty of battery power and memory
    Torch light, preferably a head light for when you’re scampering up the mountain in the dark;
    Spare batteries, you’ll need your torch for about 3 or so hours on the walk alone;

    Many tour operators specialise in the summit of Mt Kinabalu as a tour package which often includes return land transfers, mountain guides, climb permit, insurance, certificate, meals and accommodation. Usually though, the park and climbing fees still need to be paid prior to your start. Some offer ferrata climb packages.

    Relevant websites: - overseas Sabah's natural heritage including the summit of Mt. Kinabalu; - list of licensed tour operators by Sabah tourism board that your should only consider to book with; - several reported scam on bogus websites that fail to secure climb permits for climbers;

    Sunday, 14 April 2013

    Bismillahirrahmanirrahim | Assalamualaikum

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

    In shaa Allah, dgn adanya blog ini, kami akan kongsikan sesuatu yg bermanfaat untuk kita semua, di dunia dan akhirat. (^_^). Untuk sesiapa yg membaca blog ini terima kasih kerana sudi meluangkan masa kamu, dan harapan kami, kita dapat menjalin silaturahim dan ukhwah yg baik walaupun di alam maya. Teruskan mengikuti blog ini utk post yg seterusnya, in shaa Allah.

    Kami lahirkan blog ini utk perkongsian kita semua.